My AI and Data Science Toolkit

Core Skills and Expertise

  • Programming

    Strong skills in Python, specializing in the development of machine learning and deep learning models, with a focus on data preprocessing, feature engineering, and building scalable datasets to optimize performance.

  • Big Data Processing

    Experience in manipulating, transforming, and analyzing large volumes of data to support strategic decision-making.

  • Web Development for Model Deployment

    Proficient in deploying machine learning and statistical models through modern web frameworks, ensuring scalability and performance optimization.

  • Delivery-Driven Solutions

    Focused on delivering high-impact solutions with a team-oriented approach, ensuring clear communication and collaborative problem-solving.

Real Estate Web Scraping

This project provides an end-to-end solution for automated web data extraction, cloud storage, and price prediction using Machine Learning. Designed as a regression problem, it includes a dedicated page for property price forecasting based on key features and attributes.

Diabetes Detection

This Data Science project addresses a classification problem, leveraging Machine Learning to predict diabetes risk with high accuracy. It features a dashboard for data exploration and analyses, along with a dedicated page for prediction outcomes.

São Paulo Crime Analytics

Designed to solve a clustering problem, this project analyzes crime patterns in São Paulo using geolocation data. It features a dashboard for exploring clusters of robbery occurrences, providing insights into spatial distribution and trends.